
2023年9月6日—Inthisessay,wewilllookonajourneytounravelfivephilosophiesofart:MimeticorRealism,Expressivism,Formalism,InstitutionalTheory, ...,由PKivy著作·被引用881次—PhilosophyofArtisatextbookforundergraduatestudentsinterestedinthetopicofphilosophicalaesthetics.Itaimstointroducethetechniques.,Aesthetics(alsospelledesthetics)isthebranchofphilosophyconcernedwiththenatureofbeautyandthenatureoftast...

5 Philosophies of Art You Should Know About

2023年9月6日 — In this essay, we will look on a journey to unravel five philosophies of art: Mimetic or Realism, Expressivism, Formalism, Institutional Theory, ...


由 P Kivy 著作 · 被引用 881 次 — Philosophy of Art is a textbook for undergraduate students interested in the topic of philosophical aesthetics. It aims to introduce the techniques.


Aesthetics (also spelled esthetics) is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of beauty and the nature of taste; and functions as the philosophy ...


由 A Van den Braembussche 著作 · 2009 — The essence of the work of art is the pure form, not the content. Advocates of formalism therefore reject any reference to reality or to the artist's intention.

An Aesthetic Deep Dive

2023年8月28日 — In the context of the philosophy of art, aesthetics examines not only the nature and appreciation of beauty but also delves into understanding ...

The Definition of Art

由 T Adajian 著作 · 2007 · 被引用 280 次 — The definition of art is controversial in contemporary philosophy. Whether art can be defined has also been a matter of controversy.

Philosophy of art

Art as a means to truth or knowledge. One of the things that has been alleged to be the purpose of art is its cognitive function: art as a means to the ...

Philosophy and Art

Philosophy is theoretical from beginning to end, whereas art is sensuous and imaginal. Philosophical thought reflects its subject-matter in concepts, in ...